2023 Holiday Catalog
Issue link: http://digital.xxxmagz.com/i/1511464
4 SCO RELAND AW ARDS 5 The w inners of the 2023 SCO RELA N D A w ards on three discs. D isc 1 features M odel of the Year Joana Bliss and the five runners-ups. D isc 2 fea- tures the top debutantes of the year, led by N ew com er of the Year D em ora A varice. D isc 3 features new Big-Boob H all of Fam er H itom i plus five m ore classic girls. Solo and X X X . Loaded w ith girls you'll only see in our m ovies. Rated XXX •352 M ins •DVD PIX1390D $39.95