2023 Holiday Catalog

2023 Holiday Catalog

2023 Holiday Catalog

Issue link: http://digital.xxxmagz.com/i/1511464

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Page 14 of 63

PLUM P DESIRES Just five girls, but what this m ovie lacks in quanti- ty it m ore than m akes up in quality because all of the babes are great and the action is beyond a plum per lover's wildest XXX dream s. Superstar plum per Sam antha 38G sm others a dude with her tits and gets fucked so good, she alm ost passes out from cum m ing. The scene features exceptional tits-in- your-face action. Sam antha, Reyna M ae, Vicki Nicole, Keam a Kim and Karlee Adam s reveal their deepest, dirtiest secrets then m ake them com e true. If you love wom en big- ger and bustier, this m ovie is for you. Rated XXX • 120 M ins • DVD PIX321D $19.95 15

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